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RogerSmith2004's Chaos Head Tv Review

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Rated: 4

I feel like this show was hard to root for. I really wanted to like it, because it had such great and interesting concepts, but I think the director failed to make the concepts work. It was all dumped on you, and rushed. I also feel that the show lacked an identity of what exactly it wanted to be. Was it a horror show? A harem? An action show? A psychological show? A show can be all of those and still be great, but here they just didn't connect them very well. Most of the show just seems like a plot dump, followed by school filler, then Takumi going from girl to girl just to talk about more concepts. The worst part is that there are only like 2 episodes left, and they are still introducing new concepts.

Tagged under Chaos Head | 1 comments | Read More »


  1. RogerSmith2004 Dec 05, 2016

    Quote by CyanideBlizzardGreetings RogerSmith, and welcome to Minitokyo.

    Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any!

    Thanks moderator!

  2. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Dec 05, 2016

    Greetings RogerSmith, and welcome to Minitokyo.

    Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any!

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